Thanks again to all those that created your own PERSONAL SHOPPER remix, I really hope you enjoyed the process. It was certainly fascinating to hear them all, and I think by now I must have heard the voice of Elton John transformed and twisted in every way conceivable! Ultimately, I have made a very personal selection of 8 which I particularly enjoyed, and I would like to share these with everyone and encourage voting for your favourite(s). You can find them below.
In the meantime I also invited 2 bands I admire to create their own PERSONAL SHOPPER remixes:
Pure Reason Revolution's exceptional mix expands on the EBM elements of the original, but adds fresh vocal overdubs by band member Chloe Alper. PRR toured with both Porcupine Tree and Blackfield back in the late noughties. After a few years away they have recently relaunched with an excellent and critically acclaimed new album called Eupnea.
Meanwhile one of my favourite bands of recent years Sub Pop recording artists Shearwater have fashioned their "Fitness Tracker" remix into something dark, nightmarish and almost entirely beatless. The Texan band are currently working on their next album.
The Competition is open to anyone worldwide and will be conducted according to ENGLISH law AND THE COURTS OF ENGLAND WILL HAVE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION.
The remix competition opens at 10am BST on Wednesday 6th May 2020. All entries must be submitted by 10am BST on Friday 5th June 2020. Dates and time are GMT/ London time. Late entries will not be eligible for entry in the competition.
Steven Wilson will judge the competition and will choose the top remixes. Steven’s decision is final. The top remixes will be added to Steven Wilson’s Soundcloud account and this will be publicised on Steven’s official online channels. Fans will then be encouraged to vote for their favourite remix. Comments will also be encouraged.
The top 3 winners will be notified by email and soon after this will be announced across SW socials.
After registering to enter the competition, you will receive a link allowing you to download the stems.
You agree that SW Productions may retain your email address for the purpose of administering this competition.
You are permitted to download, reproduce, edit, and create derivative works of the downloaded stems in order to create an original audio remix of the track for submission as part of this competition only.
The content provided may not be used for any other purpose. The entrant must not use content not legally permitted for use, for example, the use of other copyrighted samples or songs is expressly prohibited.
SW Productions limited retains the right to revise, change or alter the competition terms and conditions at any time before, during or after the competition.
It may also cancel, modify or suspend the remix competition without prior notice to participants at its sole discretion.
Changes will be made public and notified on Steven’s website and other official channels including but not limited to social media channels.
The Competition is open to anyone worldwide and will be conducted according to English law and the courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction. United Kingdom law.
There is no entrance fee. Each participant is only permitted to submit one remix for consideration. All entrants must be over 18 years of age. The owner of the e-mail address submitting the entry will be regarded as the entrant.
Entrants and any person downloading the stems or associated 3rd parties are not permitted to publicise, sell, distribute in any manner, release or self-release remixes or original material that contains samples from this remix package.
Entrants/Remixers and/or 3rd parties are not permitted to upload remixes to any other (music) platform/service other than SoundCloud and WeTransfer. Free downloads on SoundCloud are permitted.
All remixes added to Steven Wilsons Soundcloud account will be done so on a royalty free basis. In the event SW Productions Ltd decide to officially commercially release a remix from this competition to other music platforms, this will be subject to a commercial remix licence being agreed on good faith terms consistent with normal industry custom and practice.
All rights of the composition “PERSONAL SHOPPER”, and in and to the stems and all remixes created from the stems remain the property of SW Productions Ltd, the record label SW Records and Hand’s Off It’s Mine Publishing Ltd.
By downloading the remix files/stems, you are acknowledging that you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. SW Productions Ltd, 2020– All Rights Reserved